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How To Survive Your First Night In Minecraft Pocket Edition - How To Survive Your First Night In Minecraft Pocket Edition -Minecraft is a very fun game for all ages, and it's very sophisticated. However, you still have to survive in it. In this article you will learn how to fight mobs, hunt for food and build a basic shelter in order to survive your first night in Minecraft.

Getting Started

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Tap the Minecraft app. It will take you to the main menu after it is finished loading. It should say Minecraft at the top, the version in the middle and three buttons at the bottom: Play, Marketplace, and Options. Don’t touch any of the options before you start playing.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Click "Play". The app will play its signature "click" sound and take you a panel with three tabs: Worlds, Friends, and Servers. If Worlds is not selected, select it. Click on the button at the top that says Create New World; "another" new panel will appear. Don't bother about any of the tabs this time. Just enter what you want your world to be named in the World Name textbox. If you leave it empty, it will automatically be called My World, as you can see. You can also type in a seed, which is basically a code that tells Minecraft what world to load. Since this is probably your first time playing, you should leave this textbox empty as Minecraft will generate a random seed if you do so.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Punch trees. When you’ve collected about 15 pieces of wood, craft them into wooden planks by tapping the button in the bottom right corner with 3 dots on it. This will take you to your inventory. Tap the button in the top left corner that shows a picture of a brown block. This is a crafting bench(It's the middle tab). It will take you to your crafting.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Make a crafting table. Take 4 wooden planks (1 piece of raw wood equals 4 wooden planks) and place them in a square shape.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Tap on the Crafting Table at the end of the Crafting menu and click somewhere in your inventory. Your 4 wooden planks should get converted to a Crafting Table. Place your crafting table where you like.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Make a door and a doorway, and a wooden pickaxe and sword.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Go kill 1-3 Sheep. This will provide you with wool to make a bed. If you see any other animals, kill them for meat.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Use your pickaxe to collect cobblestone. You get cobblestone by mining stone or making a infinite cobblestone generator.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Make a stone pickaxe, sword and hoe. Destroy tall grasses to collect seeds; plant the seeds on tilled grass to plant them. To till grass, use your hoe.

They will grow into wheat after a little bit. Destroy them to harvest them and turn the harvested wheat into bread.

By this time it should be nighttime.

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Go back to your house and make a bed in your crafting table. Place it somewhere at least 3 blocks from the ground, so you can safely get in and out of bed. Just stand 1 block away from the foot of the bed and tap it to go to sleep.

Fighting Hostile Mobs

How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Know about the hostile mobs you might encounter on your first night, and how to deal with them.

Skeleton - Skeletons have a bow and unlimited arrows. It burns during the day. Kill them with a bow or spam hits with a sword. A variation of it is called a stray, which only spawns in the ice spikes biome and shoots arrows of slowness, which make you walk slowly.

Spider - Spiders can climb walls up to 3 blocks. It only fight when you hit him. It not burns during the day. A variation is the cave spider, found only in abandoned mineshafts. It can climb walls, so towering up to save yourself will be very futile.

Creeper - It swells up when you get near. If you stay near it for too long, it blows up! So don't take selfies with them. It is turned into a charged creeper if it is struck by lightning. Kill it with a bow. If you do not have a bow, kill it with a sword by sprinting towards it, striking it, and then sprinting away from it so it does not explode.

Zombie - It's the only mob that is hostile toward villagers. It attacks them and, if it succeeds in killing the villager, will turn the villager into a zombie villager. Kill it with a sword, unless a horde is coming at you; then use a bow. It burns when exposed to the Sun.

Witch - It spawns occasionally at night, in witch huts (1 witch per hut) which are located in the swamp biome, or when a villager is struck by lightning. It throws a Splash Potion of Poison if you hit it. Kill it with a bow or by spamming hits with a sword.

Slime - Spawns in relatively flat areas and splits into multiple smaller slimes when killed (unless the smallest slime is killed). The miniature slimes are harmless but still follow you, so they can make great pets. Kill it with a sword.

Endermen - A 3-high mob with the ability to teleport and do quite some damage. To even this out, Mojang made them vulnerable to water and lava. To kill them, hit their feet with a sword to prevent them from teleporting away. If they lower you to critical health, jump into the nearest water source (make sure it's big enough) and kill the Enderman. (It will just stay there staring at you with its mouth open.)

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