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6 Ways To Mine Redstone In Minecraft - How To Mine Redstone In Minecraft - The most common way of getting redstone dust is by mining redstone ore. Redstone Ore can be found 10 blocks (or layers) above bedrock or in between bedrock. This means it can be found commonly from blocks 5-12, and rarely up to layer 16 or down to layer 2. You will need an iron pickaxe to mine any redstone ore.


6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

If you prefer to mine, dig down in a staircase pattern to bedrock.

Dig two blocks in front of you, and one block below them. Jump down and repeat.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Once you reach bedrock, look around you for any redstone ores. If there isn't any, dig out a bigger room and place torches on the walls to prevent hostile mobs from spawning.

5 blocks wide, 5 blocks long, and 3 blocks tall is usually a good start for a mine.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Pick the middle block of each blank wall, and dig a 2 block high tunnel back until you can't see.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Place a torch at the furthest end of this tunnel.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Walk back through your new tunnel to see if you have exposed any ore (redstone or otherwise!) on the walls, ceiling, or floor. Be careful, redstone ore can only be mined with Iron, Diamond and (if you have it,) netherite. Netherite can be made by using a netherite ingot with diamond tools in a smithing table.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

From your large room, walk 3 blocks into your smaller tunnel and choose a wall

You should have skipped 2 blocks of wall, and are now facing the third in.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Press up against this wall, and mine all the way back in a 1 x 1 tunnel at head height.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Check the walls, ceiling, and floor of this tunnel for ore. If you see it, dig back and collect it.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Turn around to the opposite wall, and repeat.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Keep making these smaller tunnels, skipping 2 blocks each time, until you come to your torch.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Place a torch on the floor, knock the torch of the wall, and dig back until you can't see.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Repeat steps 7-13 until you find redstone ore.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Keep in mind, this is only one way to mine. Find a style that works for you.


6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Find a cave, preferably near sea-level, that goes down.

If it goes straight down, you can mine out a staircase around the edges of the pit to get down.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Follow the cave as far down as you can

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

If your cave ends not much further down than it began, try another cave.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

When you find either standing lava or bedrock, you've reached the right level for redstone ore.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

You can either start mining straight back into the cave wall, or explore more cave branches that go out or further down, to find redstone in the walls, ceiling, or floor.

Finding Redstone Dust in Other Places

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Sometimes redstone dust can be found outside of caves and mines. It can be traded for, dropped by dead witches, or used as wiring for traps in jungle temples.

Jungle Temples

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Find a jungle

A jungle is characterized by tall trees, vines, and bright green grass

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Find a jungle temple

They are large, cobblestone and mossy cobblestone buildings.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Walk into the door of the temple, then follow the stairs down.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Walk down the hallway away from the levers.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Walk down the hallway, sticking closely to the side to avoid being shot by the dispenser.

Sometimes the dispenser can be hidden by vines, so be careful!

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

After you round the first corner, you can dig up the redstone that leads from the tripwire to the dispenser.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Continue down the hallway, towards the chest, again sticking to the wall.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

To the side of the chest is another trail of redstone that leads to the dispenser above the chest.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Go back the way you came, but walk towards the levers instead of heading up the stairs.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

There is a correct sequence of levers to pull to open up a hole on the left side of the stairs on the upper level, which you can then drop through.

Alternatively, you can knock the middle lever off the wall and dig through the wall behind it.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

In this room you can find another few pieces of redstone, as well as a chest, redstone repeaters, and sticky pistons.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

There are 15 pieces of redstone dust total in a jungle temple.

By Trading

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Find a village.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

A large tower may be present, and this is the best location to find a priest.

Priests wear purple robes.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Right-click on the priest, and see what he is offering to trade.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

If he has redstone, place an emerald in the trade box, and drag your redstone to your inventory.

From Witches

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Find a swamp biome

These are characterized by lily pads, vines on the trees, and dark water and grass.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Locate a swamp hut, and the witch inside.

The witch.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

Kill the witch.

6 Ways to Mine Redstone in Minecraft

There is a chance of a witch dropping up to 6 pieces of redstone dust when killed.

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